Everglades and Key West

Everglades and Key West


So here is our report on two sights that couldn’t be more different. The untouched nature of the Everglades and the Disney-like tourist magnet of Key West.



The Everglades reminded me of the Norfolk Broads. Just warmer and with more alligators. Of course we took a ride in an airboat through the beautiful landscape and saw some alligators “in action” (action meaning lying around dozing in the sun) and a lot of different birds. I guess alligators are the laziest animals on earth. They spend 90 percent of their lifetime lying around, seemingly not moving at all. Since they have nothing to fear of once they’ve reached a certain age and size, and only have to eat once a week or so, they don’t really have to. What a life…

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Disneyland Key West

We went there last Thursday, took the bus in the morning from Miami (pick up at our hotel at 6:40 am!) and returned in the evening (drop off at hotel at 10 pm). Between noon and evening we explored the center of the island. There is one word that best describes it: Kitsch. At least the area around the Mallory Square looks and feels like an amusement park. Think of any English seaside resort and add a huge dose of Disneyland and you get Key West. Well, at least this most touristy part. Once you’ve wandered a bit further outside this area, you find a lot of beautiful old houses, gardens and trees.

Most remarkable things we’ve encountered:

The chickens, that seem to run around freely just everywhere.

And the long queue of people waiting in front of the “most southern point of the U.S.” to take a selfie/picture. We’ve decided not to, but to take one of the whole scene from a more distant point.  The point is actually not really the most southern point of the USA. We took a picture of the real one as well, but from far away, since it’s on military ground, trespassing strictly prohibited for civilians. Looks like some NSA-type of surveillance/monitoring device…

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One thought on “Everglades and Key West

  1. Foto 29: da bekommt der Ausdruck “Schwein gehabt” doch gleich eine ganz andere Bedeutung!

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