Meet Finn

Meet Finn


At Pauhana Surf School in Cabarete we met Finn, the COD (Chief Operating Dog). With this position, he is quite busy, but he still got some time to grant us a short interview:


We: Hi Finn, how are you doing today?

Finn: Hey guys, thanks, I’m good. Today is not very busy, although it’s high season. The weather is not good, there are some dark heavy clouds in the sky. So people fear it might rain soon and just hang around in the cafĂ© instead of going into the water. Afraid to get wet – funny, isn’t it?

We: Yes, indeed. Though rain is cold and not nice… What exactly is your job here?

Finn: I am basically a feel-good-manager. I run around and see that everybody, employees and customers, are having fun and enjoying their time here. Sometimes I let myself being pet – chicks totally love that.

We: Do you still go surfing yourself?

Finn: Absolutely, whenever there is time I’m in the water. I also introduced Dog’s lessons to Pauhana Surf School. I give them myself, it’s a very important project to me.

We: Thanks, Finn, for your time. Enjoy your day!

Finn: You too, guys!

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