Scones – Quick & Easy
We love SCONES ! We love SCONES ! We love SCONES !
What could be better than sunday afternoon cream tea ?
So here’s our quick and simple recipe for the scones. It’s super easy and fast to make. The dough can be kneaded by hand or machine, whichever you prefer. Please feel free to comment and share if you’ve enjoyed the scones!
- 350 Grams Flour
- 1 bag Baking Powder
- 3 Tablespoons Sugar
- 80 Grams Cubed Butter
- 1 Pinch Salt
- 1 Teaspoon Lemon Juice (optional)
- 1 Vanilla Pod (optional)
- 175 Millilitres Warm Milk
- 1 Egg (for glazing)
- Preheat your oven to 220C or 200 if using fan.
- Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl, add lemon, vanilla and butter.
- Knead until crumbly.
- Add warm milk and knead to a dough.
- (The longer and smoother you knead the dough, the less crumbly your scones will be. It’s up to you!)
- Flatten the dough until it’s approx. 3-4 cm high.
- Use a round cutter to cut out the scones, size is up to you. (I recommend about 6 cm)
- Lay on a baking-paper sheeted baking tray.
- Beat the crap out of the egg until nice and liquid and glaze the scones.
- Bake the scones for about 10min. until golden brown.
- Remove from the oven an let them cool down a little.
- Serve with jam and clotted cream. (If you don’t have clotted cream, try using Creme-Double min. 42% fat, not quite the same but a reasonable substitute for clotted cream)
- Enjoy !