Tintern Abbey revisited
One thing I love about Britain is that you can stumble upon the most beautiful, majical, haunted, atmostpheric castle, cathedral and abbey ruins, basically everywhere. I’ve seen quite a few, especially abbeys. They are my favorites, I love the gothic architectural style, and they are mostly in quite good shape, considering their age, a bit like Henry.
We had already visited Tintern Abbey roundabout two years ago, during Winter. I remember it was marvellous, quite lonely and therefore magical, although the sun wasn’t shining. Since Offa’s Dyke Path went right past it, I couldn’t resist but take a detour and see it again. Again, the weather was damp at first, but eventually the sun would peak from behind the clouds. The abbey was still awe-inspiring. The walls are practically intact, just the roof is missing. The pure magnitude of the building, its arches and columns leave the visitor speachless. No wonder it was a popular destination for the romantic tourists of the 18th century.
I find pictures cannot capture the full magnificence of this place, but still we gave it a try: